What Services Are Covered By A Defective Doors Service Agreement?

The concept of defective doors is not new to us. It has been said that, “There are 1.6 million Americans who suffer from some kind of physical handicap due to a defective door,” and that’s from the American Society of Interior Designers Annual Digest. So, we know that it is an important issue. Yet, many people don’t even know where to start in this quest to repair or replace their damaged door. So let’s examine the question, What types of doors are covered by the Fair and Accurate Door Installation Act (FADA)?

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The first service that is covered by the act is when the doors are installed or repaired to a certain degree. This can be done either by a skilled professional or it can be done by a residential service provider that is properly trained. For example, if you are having the doors custom-made, they are covered. Also, if you have them refinished to a certain level, that also would be covered. schlüsseldienst Münster

The next service that is covered is when the service is requested for emergency repairs. Yes, even for those little issues that you normally ignore, but which suddenly become annoying enough to send you rushing to the local repair guy. So, as long as the issue wasn’t caused by negligence or abuse of the home owner, and if it can be fixed within a reasonable amount of time, it will be included in the coverage. Otherwise, the entire premise of the law falls apart.

The final service that is covered by the act is when your property is damaged or destroyed by a calamity such as a fire or a flood. So, if you have a flooded basement, or the attic is collapsing, that’s covered. If there is a fire in the home, that too is covered. There is no exclusion to coverage in this area. In fact, it may make sense that the entire house might be covered, as in many situations it’s difficult to determine which portions of the house might need immediate attention.

Of course, this isn’t the case every time. It must be remembered that the act was enacted to protect you from a large number of different events and circumstances. Therefore, it only makes sense that the government has allowed exceptions to the general rule a bit more loosely. Still, you should certainly take care to make sure that these types of circumstances are fully taken care of should they occur.

There is one more area that is frequently addressed in a faulty door’s service agreement. Remember the clause where the company will pay for replacement windows and doors? Well, this is specifically written to address the situation of emergencies, such as a forced evacuation due to a fire. The government doesn’t want you to have to deal with this hassle, so make sure you’re covered.

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